Dr. Daniel Fernandez teaches classes in first-year physics, Sustainability Systems, Environmental Studies Capstone,& Infrastructure Systems. He also co-coordinates the Environmental Studies program at CSUMB.
In addition his research focuses on the collection of water from fog, studying techniques to assess the presence of fog and to maximize the collection of fog water. He is also engaged with campus wide sustainability initiatives, and he also manages the incipient Sustainable City Year Program.
Professor Daniel Fernandez has been involved with fog water collection since 2005. To see how he first thought of this idea, please see his 2011 TedX talk. He and his students built the standard fog collector, modeling it on versions they purchased from Chilean researchers and based upon the standard specifications given in Schemenauer and Cereceda's 1994 paper. He and his students have built and deployed over 40 of these units across both central and Northern California as part of a National Science Foundation research project.
Dan Fernandez works with Marienberg, a family production company located in Chile, to supply his customers' fog collector nets.
"We are pioneers in the production of Malla Raschel in Chile and in the American continent. Today we are always at the forefront, always offering products of the highest quality."
- Marienburg